Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Loving Ourselves to Grow Positive

Oh ! gosh why the hell do I look so fat?
What an oily skin I have?
I look so dark and ugly.
Am fit for nothing.
People never respect me.
They treat me as a doormat.
My debts never get solved
I can never earn like others ....... ...... and the list goes on.

Sounds familiar isn't?
These are those demons that creates headache from dawn to dusk every single day,in every one of us ,through every walk of life.

Beautiful mornings begin in front of the mirror blaming ourselves for all that has happened in life.Little do we realize the need to release the energy of past from our body.With hundreds of article and information around us we fail to understand the pill that they prescribe for a happy,healthy life.

True that we are responsible for what we are today. A major contribution to this state of ours being the way we grew. Targets of criticism, hatred,anger etc has pierced us constantly at every step in life giving out pain and oozing blood. We grew up looking at elders at home who in turn grew up the same way.Its been a way of life.
But , its not right for us to blame and burn ourselves in hatred and guilt everyday. Instead all that we need to do is LOVE OURSELVES.

Believe that nature has created us as a perfect ,whole, complete human being.
This is the best solution for happiness. I believe so.
Nothing can go wrong if we could just love,love and love ourselves.

Lets try accepting ourselves the way we are(with reference to appearance).
Lets try changing the way we want to.
Lets learn to kill those demeaning thoughts and release the past.
Lets appreciate ourselves every single day for all our tasks.
Lets learn to listen to our body and treat them as our best friend,
Give them what they ask for and never kill them with those poisonous thoughts.

Our mind is the most powerful magnet and our thoughts are the driving force of attraction.
Positive thoughts = Happy & Healthy life
Negative thoughts = Sad & Deteriorating life

When we learn to love ourselves, we learn to love our body.
When we learn to love our body, we learn to give ourselves the best.
When we give ourselves the best, we give ourselves happiness.
When there is happiness, then there is love for life.
When there is love for life, then there is love for self .
And the cycle continues.

Let this not be like those articles that seeped through our mind with no cure.
Let this penetrate down,deep into our heart and dissolve the illness.
Let them run to our veins and create a spur to face life with a smile.
Let them take advantage of cleansing our thoughts with vibration of positivism.
And let them convert our past memories into experiences of learning.

Lets join hands to make a difference in life. Lets stive to build a future community of positivity and love.
With that positive hope I conclude my thought.

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